Services & Solutions

Eco Solutions’ sustainable-living services and assessments are for: (1) everyone who cares about community health and well-being; (2) is concerned about our accelerating environmental challenges and changes; and (3) wants to help create a more sustainable environment at home, work, and in the community.

Eco Solutions conducts sustainability assessments of our client’s home or business that evaluate environmental best practices and provide helpful resources and practical solutions to environmental challenges that are resource efficient, reduce waste, save money, and good for the planet.


Eco Solutions’ Services & Assessments Can Help You Improve the Following Areas:

  • Awareness & Education

  • Waste Reduction & Recycling

  • Energy Management

  • Water Efficiency

  • Green Purchasing

  • Clean Transportation

  • Resilient Grounds Keeping

  • Community Engagement


Service & Assessment Focus Areas

Awareness & Education

Environmental education enhances awareness and deepens understanding of our interrelationship with nature thereby empowering us to choose more sustainable actions that prevent, improve, and resolve environmental challenges. Eco Solutions helps our clients better understand their impact on the environment and shares healthier, more efficient best practices and resources that inspire the ongoing development of pro- environmental behaviors and lifestyle choices.

Waste Reduction & Recycling

The average American produces about 4.9 pounds of trash per day (the equivalent of 1,789 pounds of trash per year) and much of this waste is comprised of recyclable items, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). If Americans recycled more plastic, paper, glass, and aluminum, this would divert over 51% of the waste in our current landfills; and composting food scraps and yard waste would divert another 25%. Through the practice of recycling and composting, each American has the potential to reduce their waste stream by over 75%! Eco Solutions offers guidance on how to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost waste that helps you save money, natural resources, and the environment.

Energy Management

Energy efficiency is about using less energy to get the same job done - and in the process, avoid high energy bills and unnecessary pollution. For example, energy-efficient LED light bulbs use 85%-90% less energy and last 15-20 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs to do the same job. By implementing a few inexpensive energy-efficient measures in your home or business, you can reduce your energy bills by 10% to 50% or more - adding up to big savings! Eco Solutions assesses ways our clients can reduce their energy consumption and recommends energy-saving resources that also help combat climate change.

Water Efficiency

Nationwide, household leaks account for nearly 1 trillion gallons of water wasted annually; and with record-breaking temperatures and droughts on the rise, water conservation and protection is becoming an essential way of life. Water efficiency is the smart use of water resources, that includes water-saving technologies and simple steps that we can all take in our daily lives. Eco Solutions offers our clients many zero-cost and efficient ways to safeguard and reduce water consumption inside and outside their home or business.

Green Purchasing

Developing a green lifestyle often begins with our purchasing habits. Products can pose a wide variety of human and environmental health impacts including toxic exposures, water and air pollution, deforestation, climate change, and ecosystem damage. These impacts may occur at just one or at many places throughout the product's life cycle such as extracting raw materials, manufacturing, distribution, product use, and disposal. Eco Solutions educates our clients on environmentally-preferable purchasing (EPP) of products that have a less negative effect or increased positive effect on human health and the environment, when compared with competing products that serve the same purpose.

Clean Transportation

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation account for 29%, and are the largest contributor of, total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition, INRIX research found that almost half of all U.S. car trips are three miles or less; and with gas prices on the rise, cleaner transportation is a more sustainable solution to the challenges of global warming. Eco Solutions offers our clients more efficient and alternative means of transportation that are healthier, save money, and reduce environmental impacts.

Resilient Grounds Keeping

With 30%-60% of the water consumed by average Americans families going outside to water their yards and with lawn pesticide use and runoff threatening an already vulnerable water supply, more resilient grounds keeping is required in the way we landscape and care for our lawns and gardens. Eco Solutions helps our clients incorporate eco-friendly design and maintenance into their landscaping that helps save time and money, conserve water, protect habitats, and nourish the soil.

Community Engagement

More than six-in-ten Americans (63%) say climate change is currently affecting their local community, according to recent Stanford University and Pew Research surveys. As we continue to face a diverse range of global challenges, strong communities and sustainable solutions are needed now more than ever. Through collaborative outreach initiatives and sustainability services, Eco Solutions helps neighborhoods and communities foster greater environmental awareness and stewardship that enhances ecosystem resilience and human well-being.

Eco Solutions is here to help you begin or improve your sustainability journey with pathways for Home & Business that include:

Best practices for sustainable living

An informative and collaborative step-by-step process

Practical and eco-friendly resources, recommendations, and solutions that help you:

  • create a healthier and more efficient home and work environment;

  • save money on utility and purchasing expenses;

  • reduce natural resource use and waste generation;

  • enhance your brand and business resiliency;

  • champion greater environmental stewardship with family, employees, stakeholders, and community; and

  • help protect our environment now and for future generations!

Sustainable Home Services

For individuals and families

who want to create an

eco-friendly lifestyle at home.

Sustainable Business Services

For managers and stakeholders

who want to “green”

their business operations.